
As of summer 2023 I now offer living with loss coaching services in addition to therapy services. 

Here are some of the differences between grief therapy and living with loss coaching:

Therapy is past focused - Explores unresolved feelings surrounding the past relationship with the loved one.

Coaching is future focused - Starts with where you are and emphasizes self knowledge, self development, and

self management - a goal of personal growth after devastating loss.

Therapy seeks to move a client from non-functioning to functioning.

Coaching seeks to move a client from functioning to highly functioning.

A therapist diagnoses and treats mental health conditions.

Coaching is not focused on treating mental health conditions.

Therapy is emotions focused - emphasizes feelings.

Coaching is action focused - emphasizes behavior and thinking.

Therapy can require a longer term commitment for realizing insights and/or change.

In coaching major changes and realizations can take place in a relatively short amount of time.

A therapist determines objectives based on a diagnosis.

In coaching the client determines their own objectives based on how they want to feel and their goals.

Being a therapist requires an advanced degree and therapists do not always disclose or incorporate their own

personal experiences into their work with clients.

A coach’s personal experience can be very helpful. Some coaches specialize in working with a specific type of client

(such as parent loss, sibling loss, and non-death losses).

Therapy is regulated. Therapists are licensed on a state by state basis. This can keep

a therapist from working with someone in another state.

Coaching is flexible and convenient: coaching can be easily conducted in-person or virtually.

Coaches can work with people across town or across the world.

As your Living with Loss Coach I will assist you with creating ways to honor your

loved one and with helping you find ways to enjoy an extraordinary life.